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Confidence in your treatment regimen?

How easily or difficult is it for you to have faith and confidence in your treatment regimen?

Has this changed over time?

Do you doubt faith in doctor decisions or your own choices in your treatment regimen more?

  1. I was diagnosed about 15 months ago and early on had full faith and confidence in the treatment regimen because it was working, if slowly. The last few months I have had less confidence in the current regimen because I think the prednisone and azathioprine are creating more negative effects than positive now. I am having other issues (numbness in toes, feet, legs, hands) that complicate matters. In a few weeks I will try weaning off prednisone (with my medical team's approval) to see if I am right. Overall, I would say I have equal faith in my own choices and doctor decisions.

    1. I feel ya; I am very similar for the first year plus of having MG. So much happens during those first few months: emotions, attempting to understand MG, how it works, and all the variations. And yes, when treatment is working, what would tell us at first that we should question anything? Just like you, I had side effects that outweighed the MG. To this day, I recommend that newbies start on small doses and then increase as needed, especially if you start with prednisone, mestinon, and an immunosuppressant all at once! Thanks for sharing your experience; happy holidays!
      Jodi, Team Member

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