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Diplopia and prisms?

I was just seen by the optometrist in the ophthalmologist’s office. When I told him that I was still having double vision he put prisms in front of my eyes and I had instantly clear vision! Eight months of CellCept, IVIG & a boatload of Prednisone didn’t clear it up as well as the prisms did!

  1. So glad to hear that prisms can help with double vision. Just saw my opthamologist at Mayo in Jacksonville and he prescribed a prism in one eye. My balance has been bad, so I’m really hoping the prism will help with that. It remains to be seen.

    1. Best wishes! We would love an update once you start using the prism.

      -Jodi, Team Member

  2. Yep, I had my computer glasses remade with prisms a year ago, and now need my regular everyday glasses remade with prisms. Can't wait to get my new glasses to help ease this symptom!

    1. Wonderful to hear!

      -Jodi, Team Member

    2. It's been about a year since we last connected, and we wanted to reach out and see how you’ve been doing?
      Take care, and we hope to hear from you soon!
      Jodi, Team Member

  3. I am STILL not diagnosed and the double vision started 2 1/2 years ago. So bad that I made a 4 hour car trip with one eye closed. A friend suggested an old school eye doctor (had been through 3 previously for dry eye and dbl vision) he used prisms and helped for a year I returned and he rechecked and said everything was correct.

    Fast forward, all symptoms worsened, vision, face droop, walking for very short distance only with walker. So have just returned from Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota. 3 Eye doctors say they, with the use of prisms can correct my prescription and clear everything up, but they don't believe this is related to MG. Holding my breath, I so miss being able to read.

    1. Hey! It has been a while since we have heard an update from you. Were you able to get a diagnosis for your symptoms?

      -Jodi, Team Member

  4. Nanaofthree... Yep, sometimes we need assistive devices also not just meds!! Glad the prism glasses helped you!! Hugs!! Sally (team member).

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