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Does Anything Help Your Double Vision And/or Droopy Eyes?

Do you have Myasthenia gravis symptoms of diplopia (double vision) or ptosis (drooping eye)?

Has anything helped you? Medication, surgery, tape, glasses, contacts, eye drops, etc.?

- Jodi, Team Member

  1. Prismatic lenses in my specs helped a lot

    1. My ocular issue is that my left eye drifts off sideways . It's gets embarrassing because I can tell that others do notice this . I close my right eye for appearance reasons but find that I've gotten into the habit if doing so which seems to make the left one weaker . This has been going on for about 2 years or so now . I've mentioned this to my PCD and my Neurologists, but telling me that's its caused from MG but I feel that there's some sort of solution that can be done . Is there any type of medication or procedure that can help me with this ?

      1. I’m sorry you’re experiencing these issues and have not been able to find a helpful treatment. Are you currently taking medications or undergoing any treatments?
        If I could, I’d encourage you to look over Jodi’s comment in this discussion from May 6. She provided some wonderful resources and insight for another community member experiencing similar issues. If you have any issues finding it, please let me know! All my best, Julie (team member)

      2. Have you tried an eye patch over the right eye to try and strengthen the left? - Jodi, Team Member

    2. Has anyone experienced intermittent exotropia with their OMG diagnosis? I have it in both eyes, causing double vision. Prisms don't work ; can't find any power that works.


      Jack (74 y/o male)

      1. Hey there! I just want to resend this reply I left on your post in case you did not get a chance to see it:
        I am sending my wholehearted compassion as you navigate this new aspect of your life.

        Try not to stress about prism lenses or surgery not being an option. There are numerous treatments available for MG and ocular symptoms. It might take some time and patience to find what works best for you, but remember, there's always a solution. And most importantly, never feel pressured to take a medication you're uncomfortable with. Your comfort and well-being are paramount. If you're not a fan of prednisone, don't hesitate to voice your concerns 😀
        Are you on pyridostigmine (mestinon)? ( In addition to mestinon and prednisone, Cellcept and azathioprine are popular amongst those with ocular MG. Here are other treatment options:,,,
        I recommend the following resources:,exotropia%2C%20with%20or%20without%20diplopia.,!/,,,,, Exotropia has yet to be mentioned on our site, so I am unsure if it is regarded as a characteristic MG symptom or not. I would love to hear if those studies support it as related to MG or a separate isolated condition. It makes sense if they are related. My mom has exotropia, so this is interesting to me. Sending good vibes your way!

        -Jodi, Team Member

      2. Thanks, Jodi. Your support is greatly appreciated.

    3. Hi i’m fully cancelled imuran/mestinon treatment with smoking weed for my ocular myasthenia.
      I don’t have double vision for 2years in a row now.
      I don’t recommend any illicit drugs to treat MG, in my case it helps me a lot, THAT’s ONLY MY POINT!!

      1. Hi , thanks for sharing! Glad to hear that you found something that works for you! Best, Allison (Team Member)

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