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How can friends and family best support someone with MG?

How can loved ones support and comfort you? What strategies and tips do you have for communicating your needs with family and friends? For any caregivers, what are some ways you help or comfort someone with MG?

  1. I was diagnosed with mg in 1995 and being able to manage it alone has been very frustrating. I have noone to reach out to and I not have a neurologist

    1. Hey there! I am sending my wholehearted compassion your way as it sounds like life is weighing quite heavy on you. What limitations or challenges are getting in the way of you seeing a neurologist?
      I encourage you to engage in more discussions, which may help you feel less alone and benefit from our community's support. Are there any MG topics that you resonate with or are interested in?

      - Jodi, Team Member

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