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MG and dropped head

Hi all! I wanted to ask if anyone has had any experience with a dropped head because of MG? I’ve only been on Mestinon for 2 weeks but see no results. Approximately how long do we need to wait until we get results?

  1. First off, I want to welcome you to our community! We are glad you are here and taking an active role in your health. Yes, my head dropping or feeling like my head was heavy/challenging to hold up was a prominent symptom of mine when my MG wasn't yet controlled with treatments. It is something many others unfortunately suffer from as well:,,,,
    Mestinon is a fast-acting medication, like a bandaid, designed to take effect within 30 minutes. It has a several-hour improvement window for those it works for, an average of 2-4 hours. Keep hope if the mestinon does not work, there are so many different MG treatments out there: Typically, mestinon and/or prednisone is used to start to control symptoms while immunosuppressants (safer for long-term use compared to prednisone) begin to kick in, which can take several months, and then doctors usually have their patients start tapering off the prednisone, and sometimes the mestinon too. Many do not respond to mestinon, so don't be discouraged. IVIG and plasma exchange are other fast-acting treatments that can be used if your doctor decides to have you try an immunosuppressant.
    Are you currently being treated by an MG specialist?
    - Jodi, Team Member

    1. I’m sorry you haven’t seen any results from the mestinon. This is an article on what you may expect when starting the medication I would also encourage you to reach out to your doctor if you haven’t already and let them know it hasn’t improved. Sending well wishes, Julie (team member)

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