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MG Crisis-What Triggered Yours?

Have you had an MG crisis ( If yes, do you have an idea of what triggered it?

  1. I have had three flares in the last two years and all involved travel: a cruise to Alaska, a camping trip and a 3-day road trip. I don't think any were really very stressful. I think it's more getting out of my normal routine and maybe letting myself get too tired. I still travel a bit, but I'm pretty careful.

    1. It's awesome that you can still travel some, even with the challenges of MG flares. It sounds like you've learned a lot about your limits and how to manage your health while on the go!
      Jodi, Team Member

    2. I always go to turkey 4.30 hrs plane but since I've been diagnosed last year I booked turkey but I found it so stressful never again will I fly

  2. My first and only crisis was a fight with my husband. I stress easely and I don't let anyone argue with me anymore, I rather walk away.

    1. It's great that you’ve found a way to handle conflicts by walking away. I hope this new year brings you peace and happiness!
      Jodi, Team Member

    2. I’m so glad to hear you’re aware of a stressor that impacts your MG. Learning to walk away and let go can be incredibly challenging, but I’m so glad to hear that you’re putting your health first. There is a direct correlation between stress and MG, flares or crisis’. It’s one of the reasons why I have embraced my mindfulness practice that the degree that I have as it allows me to except where I’m at without touch and most importantly help helps me learn how to let go. It sounds like you’ve found this for yourself as well ❄️ Team member, Deborah. ❄️

  3. Backpack. Legs tremble. Ha ds shAkeeye.

    1. Hi we appreciate you being here and taking the time to share with us. How are you doing today? -Jessica, Team Member

  4. Not sure if all these are part of my MG, but this is what I have. Always have had heart Burn at 15 was treated for ulcers. In 2022 was put on meds for AM & PM, then found that I have a hiatal hernia.
    In 1991 during a 4th pregnancy my right hand and arm became very weak where I could not pick up pots & pans. Dr tried to tell me it was how the baby was laying. After I had the baby it continued, though with time did get better but not normal.
    I have always had leg cramps as long as I can remember.
    2022 my vision became blurred an would have double vision. gets worse when tired.
    Summer of 2022 Questioned family Dr abt pain under my right arm going to my back. Dr tried to say possible pulled muscle.
    Fall 2023 went to Neurologists to check on my right hand and head tremors. And have had Vertigo since I was teenager with no reason why. This is when he began testing.
    Currently my eye lids blink uncontrollably, right eye will have a dull pain most of the day. As I get tired this usually gets worse. I get tired an go to bed earlier an get up later than I used to.
    Get tired out more easily when shopping, working in the yard, simple things I used to do. Thanks for listening.

    1. Sending good vibes your way!

      -Jodi, Team Member

    2. It's been a while since we last heard from you, and I wanted to check in and see how you've been lately. I also want to wish you a happy New Year! May it bring you peace and many reasons to smile. Take care, and we look forward to hearing from you!
      Jodi, Team Member

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