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MG Crisis-What Triggered Yours?

Have you had an MG crisis ( If yes, do you have an idea of what triggered it?

  1. Backpack. Legs tremble. Ha ds shAkeeye.

    1. Hi we appreciate you being here and taking the time to share with us. How are you doing today? -Jessica, Team Member

  2. Not sure if all these are part of my MG, but this is what I have. Always have had heart Burn at 15 was treated for ulcers. In 2022 was put on meds for AM & PM, then found that I have a hiatal hernia.
    In 1991 during a 4th pregnancy my right hand and arm became very weak where I could not pick up pots & pans. Dr tried to tell me it was how the baby was laying. After I had the baby it continued, though with time did get better but not normal.
    I have always had leg cramps as long as I can remember.
    2022 my vision became blurred an would have double vision. gets worse when tired.
    Summer of 2022 Questioned family Dr abt pain under my right arm going to my back. Dr tried to say possible pulled muscle.
    Fall 2023 went to Neurologists to check on my right hand and head tremors. And have had Vertigo since I was teenager with no reason why. This is when he began testing.
    Currently my eye lids blink uncontrollably, right eye will have a dull pain most of the day. As I get tired this usually gets worse. I get tired an go to bed earlier an get up later than I used to.
    Get tired out more easily when shopping, working in the yard, simple things I used to do. Thanks for listening.

    1. Thank you so much for responding. No one has told me why I get Vertigo, my Neurologist in AZ said it was something connected to my brain. Put me on Topirmate to prevent my vertigo. I only get it at night, been on it 21/2 years have not had an episode. My current Neurologist said it's nothing to do with my brain, to go to ENT thinking it has to do with my ears. ENT Dr tests said I have Menieres disease. Wanted me to watch when I get dizzy. I reminded him it only happens at night. He also says the medicine is for seizures. This does help so no has any other solution. Sorry sorry such a long talk. Thank you for your information. Enders @

    2. Sending good vibes your way!

      -Jodi, Team Member

  3. I started during Christmas of 2023 with my Speech very impaired. We were on vacation, got into see Neurologist finally. Now on medicine. My question is I have had symptoms which could be signs of Mg for many years. When asked Drs they said don't worry Abt it. How long can you have symptoms before actually signs appear to be acknowledged.

    1. Some people have mentioned having occasional MG symptoms even over a decade before two symptoms appeared together, warranting the thought something could be causing it. What symptoms did you have in your experience?

      Some comments in the following discussion touch on this topic:
      -Jodi, Team Member

  4. Before I start a little about me. I was diagnosed at 6 I am now 44. It took a year Jacksonville FL ha then they had no idea. Then Mayo Min, Duke. Then UF whooooo. Liquid mestinon. I ran out of the hospital.

    I just got out of the hospital with a crisis. Not the first one but the worst one. Usually it's just arms and eyes. My arms turn to rubber and it takes 2 hands to hold the pan.

    I am a Chef and I work alot. When I have the energy I USE the energy all of it. People make fun of me because I'm short and I speed walk. I'm only telling you this because when I have a crisis of just a bad day they look at me funny. And then I have to explain. I try to make it simple. And people smarter than me I give them a website to read if they care.

    At 30 I start a Mysthinia Diet. I stop drinking, Juice veggies, Juice Fruit, I take normally C, D, C, Tumeric, Fish oil, B12, complex B, Super Veg Super Fruit, I'll finish the bottles and not use them anymore I eat and drink enough. Then of course my favorite
    Mestinon, Cell Cept, Prednisone and IVIG. Prednisone is first to go when The IVIG takes more. I'm on the 3rd package of 4 1 a week then 1 month off but I'm on a low dose and only 28 days. Between packages.

    What I do on a daily basis is alot. I've figured out systems to make it less complicated. I'll work a 12 hour day on my feet then go home and cook or just juice or both for an hour. Or I'll do both for 3 days. I do that on my day off. I look at it as there are things I can't do like now the gym. Although the pool is great. To finish. I will say I am on the low end of having Mysthinia but I feel it everywhere maybe not all at the sametime. If you do something like I'm doing the big words is Inflamitories, Fat, Protein, Water. They also say Meat, milk, cheese, grain, caffeine, Life!!!! I'm pretty good with all of it but I cheat. But not bad. I'm so up and down sometimes I can't tell if it's my Mysthinia or the 3 12-16 hour days I worked. SOA little milk or whatever they say is bad I can't tell anyway. Good Luck. It's ever-changing. There is always away to do what you need to do. Just might take longer. I will say the more you get mad about what you can't do the worst your symptoms will come out!! Hope maybe this will help someone. A little off subject but still MG

    1. Hey! Welcome to our community! I'm so glad you found this site, and I hope you gain a lot from it.
      We look forward to learning more about your experiences and journey with MG.

      I am glad to hear you are out of the hospital, but so sorry you are dealing with your worst crisis! Sending my deepest compassion and good vibes your way!

      Hearing you are a chef made me think about this article I think you may resonate with:

      I loved all the tips you shared about how, over time, you have adjusted your life and figured out what works best with what MG leaves you with. Others will greatly appreciate this. If you are interested, we highly encourage you to share your MG story in a short summary on our stories page here:, possibly even copy and paste your comment I'm responding to.

      -Jodi, Team Member

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