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muscle cramping

with my MG the leg cramps come on early morning and also foot cramps without warning. They seem to be getting more severe lately.
my hands have cramps in the thumb area and last for about two minutes before returning to normal.

Sometimes I feel it's because I'm late taking my Meston.
just one more trait to deal with on a weekly basis.

  1. I was just diagnosed with mg this October it was caused by cataract operation which seems to have several occurrences either the operation itself or the anesthesia starting today which has been almost a month I'm now getting severe neck cramps where I can barely move they're all knotted up and I've been trying hot showers and heating pads which seems to relieve it a little bit but not much

    1. Hi Peter my start on the road of MG was also caused by my cataract operation it seems they put a lense in that my body keeps fighting to get rid of and that eye is the one that causes me the most trouble. I would like to go back in time and wearing glasses would make life so better but vanity rules I guess. hope your life improves with meds mine seems to be getting worse even with the added meds.
      gerald mee

  2. Hello I empathize with you on this subject. I used to have really bad hand cramps and when I decided to go to the doctors turns out I had tendinitis in both hands. My legs don't cramp up as much as they used to, but I do get foot cramps.

    I would be definitely recommend getting checked out and also asking if not taking the mestinon on time is the reason for the cramps. I know how frustrating it can be when it comes to making sure you take ALL of your meds at the designated times...well for me it can be rough. Because you may have to take some with a meal at a certain time and during that time I may not be hungry. So, I'll push it back an hour but then it'll throw everything off.

    How do you manage the cramps and or pain? - Jazmin (MG team member)

    1. thank you for your feed back I'll follow your suggestion when next I see my Doc

    2. Oh good. Please let me know how everything goes. - Jazmin (MG team member)

  3. Hi , sorry to hear you are dealing with leg and feet cramping. I know others in our community have mentioned dealing with these symptoms as well. Have you mentioned this to your physician? How are you managing today? Wishing you some relief. Kindly, Jessica, Team Member

    1. thank you for your concern being three years into this MG and 83 yrs old it came as a shock to me as I have been fairly healthy all my life and to deal with this has been a sharp learning curb after I got over feeling sorry for my self
      enjoy your day

    2. I can imagine how shocking it must have been for you and difficult to get such a diagnosis after living a healthy life for so long. My heart goes out to you. I am glad you found our community and I hope you know you are not alone. We care and are here to support you in any way we can, including just simply listening. Please feel free to reach out anytime. Sending hugs your way. -Jessica, Team Member

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