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Myasthenia Gravis symptom?

I was diagnosed with myasthenia gravis about four years ago and it’s been only ocular. I have another symptom that is driving me crazy and I actually had surgery because they told me it was a problem with my esophagus, but it never went away. I constantly feel like I have extra saliva in my throat, and I clear my throat all day long to the point that I have pain in my neck. I don’t have trouble swallowing food, but the feeling of saliva gets worse after I drink anything. My neurologist thinks it might be related to myasthenia gravis and I’m on VYVGART. Just started my third round. Does anybody else have the symptoms? I’m at my wits end.

  1. Hey! Welcome to our community. We are so glad to have you! Are you on any other medications (MG-related or not) other than VYVGART? Or were you on mestinon at some point? Do you know if you drink the recommended amount daily, your diet is high in starch, or you are a mouth breather (possibly at night)?
    I encourage you to discuss Sjögren's syndrome with your doctor if you have yet to, as it can cause thickened saliva and is a common condition to occur with MG:
    Here are some other mentions on our site of the sensation of extra saliva in the throat:,,, Some coping tips:
    - Jodi, Team Member

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