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Symptoms: shakiness?

One of my most irksome symptoms is extreme shakiness, especially in my hands, but occasionally through my whole body. I’ve been surprised that there haven’t been others complaining about shakiness, which is sometimes so bad that I can hardly hold a glass of water or even write! Now I’m wondering if I got this wrong, and if this is even a symptom of MG. Anyone else?

  1. Hi There!
    I too struggle with shaky hands and inner body shaking. Know what I mean!
    My Neurologist prescribed mestinon and a shot of liquor.
    Seems to work for me.

    1. Hi ! I'm right there with you! I call it Jello legs/arms. I can barely sign my signature, I drop my utensils... legs can be so shaky it's difficult to just walk across the floor. Thank goodness that's not an everyday thing.

      1. I'm sorry your shakes are to the extreme. I hope that gets better for you soon. My hands would normally start shaking when I miss a dose of medication, but I haven't had that experience in a while. But I also noticed my hands would shake when I was working. I used to work at a coffee shop, so I used my hands a lot. - Jazmin (MG team member)

        1. you’re not alone! Shakiness and tremors are a really difficult symptom to manage. I’m including a link to a forum discussion where others in the community have shared their experiences If you go through the comments there are also some additional links to further discussions on the topic. I hope you are able to find some relief💕. Our community is always here for you. All my best, Julie (team member)

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