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Tremors, muscle twitches

Hello dear forum friends. I’m a newbie here and learning a lot from you all. I am AChR positive, bulbar presentation with lost voice and swallowing issues. Did 5 plasmapheresis sessions, no improvement. Did also the first 2 sessions of Rituximab (14 days apart, last one done 10 days ago), and I feel my symptoms are worsening. I am now on mestinon 60 mg 3 /day plus prednisone 20 mg. Has anyone experienced their fingers shaking? Any muscles twitches? I have twitches all over my body and my fingers and my toes sometimes move on their own… thank you for any sharing.

  1. I have twitching by eyes always afraid it’s a stroke. now I get muscle cramps at nite. Drs aren’t worried about it. Always afraid the crisis is coming back ugh! Still on mestion and finally lower steriods to 10 mg trying to get off. Now I have 2 fractures in my spine they think it’s the steriods. Hate this disease we never know what’s next! Oh yea and effecting my bladder ugh

    1. Hi I have tremors in my right hand every time I try to hold something. But I’m not sure if it’s familial tremors that run in the family or related to the MG. They have seemed to get worse but it was there somewhat before my diagnosis.
      I take a lot of the mestonin, 6 pills/day 60MG each. Plus 3 Glycopyrrolate and 50mg of prednisone. My eyes give me so much trouble, I feel like they’re almost swollen shut, vision is not clear and my swallowing and breathing are off. I have to be careful with everything. I sleep sitting up. Sometimes I try to lie on my side but find myself waking up struggling. So I don’t get a lot of sleep.
      I’m not sure if the amount of meds I’m on has anything to do with the shakes I’m having.
      I’ll ask my doctor.

      1. I'm still in the process of being tested, my diagnosis is not confirmed. But I do have frequent tremors in my hands, eye twitching and violent muscle cramps in my calves and feet ( the likes of which I have not experienced since I was pregnant)

        1. I thought I started having terrible muscle cramps and spasms in my calves and feet because my doctor told me to stop taking magnesium because it would worsen the MG symptoms!
          I try to drink water but don’t know how to stop them. If you find out how to combat this let me know please!

      2. Also had spams for2 yrs all the rd gave me muscle relaxers didn’t help . Still have them

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