My worst flare-up (so far) in my four years with MG was two summers ago when my swallowing was so bad that I couldn't eat anything and couldn't swallow my MG meds. I was admitted for failure-to-thrive after losing 15 lbs in a matter of weeks. My neurologist had notified ER in advance to have me admitted for treatment and observation, which lasted 5 days and included my one and only IVIg treatment. About a month earlier, I had learned about the risks involved with supplemental magnesium via IV, so when the ward MD ordered it I refused to take it. I spent the first couple of days educating my nursing staff about MG, which paid off the final three days. The ward MDs and even the on-call Neurologists were, not surprisingly, not well-versed in MG so I had to constantly advocate for myself which, along with my now-helpful nurses, got me through the crisis and got me discharged. Bottom line: learn all you can about MG. I also have clinical anxiety, so the first couple of days I was on the verge of panic attacks but fortunately they pumped me up with Xanax which helped me think clearly enough to self-advocate and recover from the MG crisis. (BTW, the IVIg never helped.)