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How long does nerve pain last on chest after thymectomy?

I just want to know how long will I have the nerve/muscle pain since surgery? I can’t stand anything touching the incision. Any help?

  1. Hello,
    I am at my 10th week since surgery. I had a mini incision and had sternotomy. I know the sternum is healing fine. Every day a little better. But nerves on incision are just annoying. Feel better if I knew how long they take to stop being so tender.

    1. Now I do remember my chest feeling like pins and needles. Now that lasted for awhile. The incisions for me were more itchy than sore/tender. I would occasionally get a sharp pain in my side where the incisions were made. I'm sorry I cant tell you exactly how long that will last but I my doctor said it could be a few months or until the incisions has healed. - Jazmin (MG team member)

  2. hello I had a thymectomy about 2 years ago. I had nerve/muscle issues for about 1 week and I went back to work 3 weeks after my surgery. But after my first day back at work all the pain came back and I had to take an additional week off. All I took for the pain was Tylenol. I did write about my experience:

    I hope you feel better soon. - Jazmin (MG team member)

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