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Leg and Foot Cramping and Pain

Many individuals with Myasthenia gravis report having intensive leg/foot cramps and pain, most specifying this occurring predominately at night.

Do you experience leg pain? Describe the sensation, and if you note the treatments you are on, that would be great. Pyridostigmine is associated with cramping. But from personal experience, I believed this to cause my leg pain until I stopped mestinon, which has continued. I am sure many of you are the same way.

I look forward to seeing any trends we may note with our community here and our lower body cramps experiences.

Feel free to share any advice you have found for relief 😀
- Jodi, Team Member

  1. Yes

    1. Have you experienced this for the entire duration that you have had MG?

      -Jodi, Team Member

  2. YES

    1. To what degree does it impact your typical day?

      -Jodi, Team Member

  3. It sounds like you're dealing with some challenging symptoms related to Myasthenia gravis. Leg and foot cramps, especially at night, can be particularly distressing. While Pyridostigmine is often associated with cramping, it's interesting to hear that stopping mestinon didn't increase your leg pain.

    Regarding your inquiry about leg pain, I don't personally experience it, but I've heard about how Mallakhamb, an ancient Indian sport involving various acrobatic and gymnastic exercises, can help strengthen the core and improve overall physical well-being. These exercises may indirectly alleviate leg cramps by improving circulation, muscle strength, and flexibility. However, it's essential to approach any new physical activity cautiously, especially when managing a condition like Myasthenia gravis.

    1. We greatly appreciate you sharing!
      -Jodi, Team Member

  4. Yes, severe cramping and Charlie horses..which are very painful. Often when walking, I experience painful tremors or ripples through the back of my thighs which towards the front of my legs indicating that I have done too much

    1. how are you doing this week with the cramping? Do you find anything helps provide you with some relief? I hope so. Kindly, Jessica, Team Member

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