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Do you have problems swallowing?

Myasthenia gravis causes weakness of the swallowing muscles of many individuals, leading to problems involving choking, a terrifying experience,,, and

Have you had problems swallowing before? What foods are tolerable? How do you manage to take any prescription pills?

  1. yes

    1. .No - not yet away - and I hope never . It sounds horrible! Gail Hesley

      1. hope you don't experience that symptom as well! How have you been doing lately? Hope well. Hugs, Jessica (Team Member)

    2. Yes, I have MG. for about 3 years. I'm a physician associate. It is difficult being a patient. I want to ask questions. Fortunately the neurologist at the VA takes the time to answer them. I get ivig once a month. I find this 3-4 hour infusion a happy experience with lunch and wonderful caring nurses.

      1. Hey there, welcome to our amazing community of supportive and caring people! It's so great to see that you've made your treatment into a positive self-care experience and are finding ways to enjoy it. What a wonderful perspective to have!
        -Jodi, Team Member

    3. No

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