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IVIG Side Effects

IVIG delivers healthy antibodies to improve an MG flare or crisis but can cause side effects. Headaches, chills, dizziness, and fluid retention are commonly reported (

What rate of flow was the nurse doing? Did slowing it, if that was tried, lessen symptoms?

  1. I definitely don't go faster than 125 MAX. I hydrate the day before and take Liquid IV for the two days of infusions, and then I hydrate for a couple more days. I get a small dose of Benadryl, Tylenol, and, I think, a steroid with my infusions. My only side effects are sleepiness and a slight head ache, but it is more like my head feels full. Sometimes, I take Excedrin migraine as needed.

    1. We are deeply grateful for your willingness to take a moment to share your experience. Your insights are incredibly valuable to others who are also dealing with MG.

      - Jodi, Team Member

  2. no

    1. from Poppy.

      1. I do Have to go to the restroom more than normal while getting IVIG, Everytime we switch a bottle I run.
        I have noticed lately I have had some Restroom issues that I have never had before I was diagnosed with MG. Any ideas from anyone with making things easier?
        I still choose happy Angel B Roberts

        1. I think you may find the links above that Kaitlyn shared to be of interest - Jodi, Team Member

        2. thank you so much for the info. I just had such a bad reaction to vyvgart recently, then we went back to IVIG but had phlebitis occur in my arm with that. I have worse MG symptoms after all these problems so actually I'm not wishing to do anything at this point, or at least until my body rests this out.

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