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Possibility of only Ocular MG and not worse symptoms

I've had a sleepy eye in one eye for 30+ years. I'm currently approaching 60. At least my wife has noticed that I've had a droopy eye for our entire marriage which is 30 years.
Besides having a droopy eye I do not notice any other symptoms. No fatigue, no double vision, no other muscle weakness.
I just went into the Dr and have drawn blood for an accurate diagnosis. I'm positive for the ice test and I notice that as the day progresses my eye droops more. The drooping is always above my pupil so it does not affect me. When I wake up in the morning my eyelid is close to fully open.
I'm assuming that I have optical MG since I was in my 20s if not younger.
This is a very scary disease.
I'm wondering if other people on this forum only have optical MG for their lives without serious effects besides having a droopy eye?
I read that typically the full set of symptoms show themselves within 2 - 3 years of the onset of the disease. Is this the general rule or can symptoms progress even after having the disease for 30+ years with few symptoms and then have the disease progress to a more serious illness?


  1. My history is similar to yours. In my twenties, my right eye was a lazy eye and would " wander" They treated me for double vision and cross eyes with prisms. I was tested and had borderline acetycholine antibodies but no other symptoms. They said they would monitor my progress. It never got worse and my eyes actually got better. I am 67 now. I have always worried about getting worse but it did not progress. I wonder if it could still happen as I get older. Would like to learn more about this. TAKE care. Brenda S.

    1. I was diagnosed with MR in late 2022 with a droopy left eye & double vision. Pyridostigmine & prednisone have a good response to my condition. My doctor steers me to Methotrexate and then Cellcept for fewer side effects. Bless you all.

  2. Hi there, thanks for sharing. Myasthenia gravis is often referred to as "the snowflake disease" as it affects each person differently. So, it is possible that you may have lived with the disease for 30+ years and it has not progressed beyond the droopy eyelid. But, there may be other subtle symptoms of MG you have never noticed before. Glad to hear you will be getting bloodwork. Keep us updated on your diagnosis status. Warmly, Kaitlyn (Team Member)

    1. Yes, it is true. My suggestion is to keep a record of your progression & communicate with your doctor for quick action to any changes. Pray for the best.

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