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problem with difficulty urinating

good evening, I have been diagnosed with myasthenia gravis since 2009, for the last year I have difficulty urinating and I have a small flow, I am 32 years old, does anyone have the same symptom as me? If so, what medications do you take for urination?

  1. lef13, I ask an MG specialist about bladder & bowel issues with MG during a web meeting a few years back. I (We that were at the web meeting) were told that it is a real thing and that most Dr.'s forget that the last sphincter in both the bladder & bowel were striated muscle. (The muscle that MG cause issues with). With this muscle it is how we are potty trained as we can voluntarily move it!! I am including a link to an article I wrote about incontinence. Hugs and best wishes!! Sally Farrier... (team member).

    1. I also have trouble with this and have had small flow since being diagnosed with MG. Some things that have helped me include pelvic floor therapy and using straight catheters. I also did a urodynamics study which revealed that it was a neurogenic issue. I did try a supplement called urikind (which is not available in the US). I was also told that most of the medicines are typically for men and not women. So, there wasn't any medicine that I could take to help. A couple doctors suggested a sacral nerve stimulator, but this is something I still need to talk to my neurologist about to see if its safe with MG

      1. another thing I tried was acupuncture, but that seemed to make the issues worse. I think they ended up overstimulating the bladder

    2. Oh no. What does your doctor have to say about it? That happened to me before. Turned out I had an extremely bad UTI. I had personally ruled it out because I didn't have any pain. But I had to go on 2 different types of antibiotics for a course of 30 days. Please make sure you get checked out. - Jazmin (MG team member)

      1. Hi sorry to hear you are experiencing problems with urination. As of now there is limited information on MG and bladder issues, but we do have an article on the topic here - Have you had an opportunity to speak with your doctor about the issues you are experiencing? If you haven't already, we always recommend reaching out to one's physician about new or developing symptoms. Hopefully others who have any tips or experience will weigh in soon. Wishing you some relief. Kindly, Jessica, Team Member

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