For about a year, I had mild urinary incomitance that went away after my medication regimen finally stabilized my disease. My neurologist insisted that it had nothing to do with MG because the muscles involved are all involuntary and unaffected by the antibody. I stood my ground. I noted that everyone in the world knows you can control that stream. My brother and I, when we were kids out camping, used to compete to see who could pee the highest up a tree. Finally, in 2022, a Japanese clinical study revealed a close association between MG and incontinence, so much so that the doctors concluded urinary incontinence should be considered an early indicator of MG. You can Google this study. Many MG victims may be uncomfortable talking about it, or they often see it as unrelated. It's a good lesson. MG plays by its own rules, and it should never be underestimated.