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Cane Use

I was 'sort of' diagnosed with MG by an ophthalmologist who specialized in neurological eye issues -- awaiting blood test results for the Mayo Clinic.
Anyway, when I walk my dog I use one of those hiking poles, and use a shopping cart at the store for balance -- whether I need the cart for what I'm buying or not.
I was wondering if anyone walks with a cane or something similar. Not sure I personally feel the need right now, but was wondering if others do use something, even after/while taking medication.

  1. Hello It's awesome that your ophthalmologist specializes in neurological eye issues. Definitely saves you time when it comes to driving to many agonizing doctor appointments (At least I hope). For me, I don't use a cane, but I always get a shopping cart for the same reason. It's like a safety net for me so I feel safe when walking. I often times get dizzy out of nowhere or I feel off balance to the point I find myself leaning to the side or stumbling over my own feet. I've been on medication for a long time and I still get this symptom.

    Since you "sort of" got diagnosed. Was your doctor able to prescribe you any medications for the mean time... while you're waiting for results to come back?
    -Jazmin (team member)

    1. Hi there, Chris. Great question! Many in our community use mobility aids , including canes. Here are two articles you might find helpful:, Warmly, Kaitlyn (Team Member)

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