What Percentage of Your Day Is Impacted by MG?What percentage of your average day is impacted by MG? This could be a time when MG is limiting you or your energy, when your symptoms are acting up, when...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesSymptomsWork & EmploymentMuscle Weakness
Rate the Order in Which These Life Aspects Are Affected by MGRate the order in which the following aspects of your life are impacted by Myasthenia gravis, 1 being most affected by MG, 5 being least affected by MG: - social...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesIntimacy & RelationshipsWork & EmploymentInsurance & Disability
Exposed to Agent Orange During the Vietnam War and Developed Myasthenia Gravis, or Your Children?Were you exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War? Do you or your children have Myasthenia Gravis? Many individuals suspect that Agent Orange may have caused their development of...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesAwarenessNewly DiagnosedWork & Employment
Is your job/ boss accommodating when your Myasthenia gravis symptoms impact your performance?Is your job/ boss accommodating when your Myasthenia gravis symptoms start impacting your capability to perform? Are they aware you have MG or just the symptoms you have? Or do...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesSymptomsNewly DiagnosedWork & Employment
Opinion of Your Residing Country's Healthcare/Disability AssistanceDo you think the country you reside in has good healthcare and/or disability assistance? What aspects do you like/dislike? Anything related to Myasthenia gravis would be great to note....Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesTreatmentWork & EmploymentInsurance & Disability
Is Your Job MG Friendly?Is your job/career myasthenia gravis friendly? You can interpret the question as you wish....Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesWork & EmploymentTriggersSymptoms
How Do Healthcare Expenses Impact Your Budget?How do your Myasthenia gravis healthcare expenses impact your budget? How about your healthcare expenses as a whole? Has it led to debt or government reliance at any point? This...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesCostTreatmentWork & Employment