Hand swelling and tingling I am in the middle of an MG Crisis. In 10 Days I will start my second series of Vyvgart. I am wondering if anyone has had hand swelling and...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesGeneralized MG
Mestinon in NYCHi all, I’ve been prescribed Mestinon 60mg and I’m having trouble finding it at any pharmacy. Walgreens has none in stock in the whole of NYC. Any advice on finding...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
PtosisThe more I look at my eyelids sometimes I wonder. Have people noticed a difference with how long they need to rest their eyelids if they pick up the ptosis...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
ThymectomyHello, I know there's previously been discussions about this from various people in various forms but couldn't find anything for this year or more recent. I'm having my appointment with...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesSurgeryThymectomy
Feels like electric shocksI'm tired, but I push on. Just recently I have been getting sensations like electric shocks, going through some of my toes. It doesn't last long. Just a few seconds...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
I have Mystaina Gravis but I really don't know what the symptoms I was diagnosed with Mystaina Gravis in 2018 along with Lupus , Rhumitoi Arthritis, Neuropathy, fibromyalgia, I had my Thyroid Radiated and other Autoimmune problems and I have Ceszers I...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Eye brow droop Does anyone get eyebrow droop with ocular mg especially when hot and certain types of lighting?...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Unsuccessful Prednisone TaperHas your doctor directed you to taper your prednisone, and your body rejected the withdrawal? --- At what point in the taper process did your body start showing signs of...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTreatmentAwarenessNewly Diagnosed
Myasthenia gravis and adverse reaction to the meningococcal vaccine?Do you have Myasthenia gravis and had an adverse reaction to the meningococcal vaccine required before starting the MG treatments Ultomiris, Rystiggo, Zilbrysq, and Soliris? It's crucial to know that...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesTreatmentAwarenessRefractory MG
Beginning to exercise after thymectomyBeginning to exercise after having a thymectomy can be scary! Exercising with MG already is daunting for many as it means accommodating and figuring out how to adapt, https://myasthenia-gravis.com/living/exercising-again. But...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesThymectomyExerciseMuscle Weakness